Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
No. Typically Simplex BI serves as your firm’s internal project manager. There are certain tasks Aderant is better suited to perform such as data conversion and server installation but we will advise and assist with many configuration, testing, and training tasks.
Yes. We maintain a close working relationship with Aderant but ultimately we represent our client’s interests in every aspect of an implementation.
Ideally, it is best to engage with us prior to signing an implementation or upgrade contract as we can provide valuable input to the contract and Statement of Work. However, we are often brought in after implementation has started and are happy to join your team at any point.
This is a common question we get. We follow a prescriptive approach while acknowledging that each Firm is unique. The needs of every Firm can differ in the requirements and methods. We take the time to understand your Firm’s unique needs.